JUnit Intermediate Programming
- Audience
- Prerequisite
- Description
capabilities to the other languages, has made it the best fit for the software life cycle testing such as unit, regression, build, integration, stress,
and acceptance testing for the software products. It can also be used to test client/server, databases, web servers, containers, using
Test Driven Development (TDD, test first , then build application) methodology.
The course starts with the installation and setup of eclipse, JUnit, and Apache Ant, Then it covers JUnit framework, automation using
Apache Ant, and software test strategies, It also covers web servers, web containers, client/server, database testing using stub and mock
strategies. At the end, it covers Test Driven Development (TDD) methodologies and automates tests with Apache Maven .
- Objective
They also learn how to test web server, databases, web containers such as jetty, tomcat, using stub and mock strategies.
Students will also get familiar with software life cycle testing strategies.
- Outline
o Unit-2 , JUnit Framework - JUnit-4
o Unit-3 , Junit Framework - JUnit-3
o Unit-4 , Test automation using Apache Ant, test web servers and containers
o Unit-5 , Software Life Cycle Tests
o Unit-6 , Test strategy, stub, mock, and database test
o Unit-7 , Test driven development (TDD)
o Unit-8 , Test automation using Apache Maven